If your company has AEO Certification (or a mutually recognised equivalent such as CT-PAT in the USA) and either exports from Ireland or exports/imports into Ireland then you will need to team up with a fellow AEO Certified logistics partner so as not to break the AEO Supply Chain. The Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programme is one of the main building blocks of the World Customs Organisation (WCO) Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate global trade (SAFE).
Being a logistics company that is involved in the widespread movement of product all over the world, Store-All Logistics took the decision in 2012 to seek AEO Certification. We were successful in our application in attaining the highest level AEO Certification for Customs Simplifications / Security & Safety, received from the Irish Office of the Revenue Commissioners and effective from September 12th 2012.