Some stocks need to be stored in a Temperature controlled enviorment. In such cases the warehouse is temperature mapped while empty (where possible) and while full (the loading is recorded on the mapping report) to determine the temperature distribution under extremes of external temperature. The mapping is performed in summer and winter to assess worse case scenarios.
Temperature mapping is performed as per a written protocol, which includes an assessment of the area and location of the probes. External conditions should be monitored where there is an external wall, loading of warehouse and acceptance criteria. The protocol is signed prior to initiation of the study and the report includes a summary of results, observations, conclusions and recommendations. The locations reading the maximum and minimum temperature are clearly identified. The maximum and minimum external temperature recorded are noted in the report to determine if the warehouse was challenged with the external extremes.
Temperature mapping is repeated after significant modification to the premises, changes in stock layout or changes to the heating system, and otherwise it is reviewed every 3 years.